Monday, May 28, 2012


It must be the warm weather that is influencing my work as the new painting has a lot of hot colours.  There is still a small amount of blue that is not visible from this detail but as I usually never follow the initial idea in my head fully, it may all change.

Friday, May 18, 2012

More Girls

The champagne bottles I painted the other week have gone out into the street as free art.  It felt odd leaving them in places as they seem to have their own personalities - a bit like saying goodbye to a child.  I then collected some new bottles to paint.  Being made of glass they are quite fragile and yet heavy to carry around so just as well some of them already have homes to go to.  


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Study of an angel

While I'm busy on a new painting I have also been working on a study of an angel.  Using stencils I cut for an earlier picture (the blue angel) I have made a much smaller and lighter version.  This gives me time out from the main work I'm doing at the moment and lets me experiment with colour and ideas.