Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Flesh Stained Angel

My painting Flesh Stained Angel is currently for sale at the Ben Oakley Gallery in Greenwich.  It will be there until Christmas Eve as with most of my work it does not photograph well so it is worth seeing in the flesh. (Sorry bad pun).   

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas at the Greenwich B.O.G.


It's been a busy time for everyone down at the Ben Oakley Gallery in Greenwich.  There's been much hanging of Holly and Ivy, baking mince pies, running in Santa suits for charity and of course the displaying of a new collection of art work.  The show is on till Christmas eve and includes my painting Black Ivy Angel and works by David Bray, Rowan Newton, Pam Glew, Gonny Van Hulst, Asboluv and Ben Oakley.  All of the Christmas floral displays have been creatively put together by florist Sarah Williams.